School Rules


Students are expected to show respect to adults and each other.

Students are expected to show respect to the school's and each individual's property.

Students are expected to move quietly and in an orderly manner in the building at all times.


All teachers develop a formal discipline plan at each grade level showing steps they will take to handle disciplinary problems. Discipline procedures are designed to teach two very important concepts:

  • Certain behaviors are undesirable and should be avoided.
  • Certain behaviors are desirable and should be repeated.

The foundation of this plan is the following of school-wide classroom rules and consequences drawn up by a committee of parents, teachers, and administrators.


  1. Respect yourself, others, and their property.
  2. Stay in your seat or assigned area.
  3. Listen, follow directions, and complete all work.
  4. Refrain from disruptive behaviors in class.
  5. No physical contact - keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.



The school exists to provide each student with comprehensive educational opportunities. It is the desire of the teachers, administration, and other staff members that each student should have every opportunity to take advantage of the instructional programs offered. To assist in knowing what behavior is expected of students, a behavior code has been developed to inform all students of the actions which violate school rules and the consequences of those actions.

Students should:

  • attend school daily and be on time
  • be prepared to come to class with appropriate working materials
  • be respectful to all individuals and property
  • refrain from PROFANE, INFLAMMATORY, OR RACIST statements
  • act in a safe and responsible manner
  • be responsible for your own work
  • abide by the rules and regulations of the school and each classroom teacher
  • seek changes in an orderly manner


Parents must accept the responsibility for providing the important early training that every child needs in preparation for the formal education that begins in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, or first grade. Parents should strive to provide children with basic training in good conduct, respect for other persons and property, and positive attitudes about learning. Parents share the responsibility to keep lines of communication open between home and school, to be informed of all facts before taking concerns and complaints to the proper person, to be supportive of the teacher, and to encourage positive attitudes in the student toward school and learning.School administrators cannot disclose to a parent/guardian how a child that is not theirs was disciplined.

Parents should:

  • regularly communicate with the school authorities concerning their child's progress and conduct
  • insure that their child is in daily attendance and promptly report and explain an absence or tardiness to school
  • provide their child with the resources needed to complete class work (pencils, pen, paper, etc.)
  • assist their child in being healthy, neat, and clean
  • bring to the attention of school authorities any problem or condition which adversely affects their child or other students of the school
  • discuss report cards and work assignment with their child
  • maintain up-to-date HOME, WORK, and EMERGENCY telephone numbers at the school including doctor preferences, an emergency health care form, and current home address
  • cooperate with the school in terms of completion of homework assignments.